Shaetlan Language Plan


We ir very weel plaised tae be wirkin tagidder wi UHI Shetland on da first ivver Shaetlan Language Plan!

Da language plan sets oot whit wye Shaetlan'll be promoted haemaboot, nationally an internationally. Hit's aimin tae mak it normal tae hae Shaetlan on signige, tae mak Shaetlan a language fir teacheen, tae include Shaetlan idda neest Scottish census an tae kerry on wi celebratin Shaetlan as a minority language apø da international stage. De'll be new education offers an resaerch projects. Firbye dat we'll be wirkin tagidder tae mak new education mataerials in Shaetlan tae gie a haand in øsin Shaetlan athin sküls an idder education setteens.

Da Shaetlan Language Plan'll help Shetlanders keep a hadd o dir language, strenten dir language an promote dir language. Dis is connekit straicht up wi da UHI Islands Strategy enabling plan an it gings alang wi da National Islands Plan.

Speecial tanks gings tae Dr. Beth Mouat, UHI Shetland Director o Resaerch, Enterprise an Impact/UHI Islands Strategy Director, fir takkin dis gründbrakkin ineetiative an makkin it possible.


Wi dat sam


UHI Shetland collaboration