UN Declaration o Human Richts

Hit's a fundamental human richt tae git sküleen i yir midder tongue(s). De irna a single body apø da faess o da aert at's boarn literate. We aa hae tae be LAIRNED tae read an write i wir midder tongues. Bit even yit dis fundamental richt is strippit fae maist spaekers o minority languages idda wirld.

Shetlanders gits a minimum o nine year o faerce sküleen in English. Fir at laest dis last 200 year Shetlanders is gotten tellt at English is da "proper" language, an Shaetlan is a "improper" een. Dis notion is totally ideeless wi its linguistic raisoneen. Shaetlan haes as muckle structure - an hit's as soleed an fit fir ony purpise - as ony idder lanuage idda wirld. Ithin a bilingual plaess laek Shetland de'r nae lingustic raison fir why it canna be øsed fir lairnin bairns alang wi English fae P1 til S6 athin ony an ivvry subjict, includin da sciences.


sae vs so


Knappin an kn-