I canna say as I ken

Complement claases is claases at wirk laek units athin a main claase. In parteeklar dey wirk laek subjicts or objicts fir da verb o da main claase, so dey ir needit fir da hael sentence tae mak sense. Fir example laek:

Mary seid at shø fairly enjoys da makkin classes.

In dis sentence da claase [at shø fairly enjoys da makkin classes] is da objict o da verb [seid] in da main sentence. Ithoot da complement claase da sentence widna be hael: somethin laek *Mary seid___ isna a full sentence. Da complement claase itsel wid look laek a oardinary sentence aless fir da peerie function wird [at]. Dis peerie wird, caaed da "complementizer", is da signal at whit is tae come'll be da complement claase ithin da main sentence.

Da default complementizer is Shaetlan is at. Hoosumivver, athin some caesses o bein unsure or non-comittal, as can be øsed an aa:

I canna tink as he’d dø yun.

Shø cudna say as shø kent him.

Dey cudna mind as d'ir ivver seen her.

We cudna say as w'ir noticed.

Dis complementizer onnly shaas up athin negative sentences, an alwis in utterances at pits across haddin aff fae sayin somethin definite. Hit døsna seem tae shaa up wi da siccint person (du/you) as da subjict. Dis is laekly becis it spaeks aboot a attitude, so at it's idder a utterance aboot da subjict (idda first person I/we), or a repoart aboot hoo a third person spak aboot dir attitude.


Purpise claases


Comparin Swadesh lists